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Day 1: Choose Life

Matthew 4:4 

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” 

God’s words bring life, everlasting life. God’s word is alive and the only way we can truly have a personal relationship with God is by reading and meditating on his words. It is a way for Him to talk to us, answer our questions, comfort, encourage, teach, grow and strengthen us.

When we shift the focus from what we want to getting to know who He is and His will for our lives, He does the rest. He restores, transforms, strengthens, provides–among many other things. But ultimately we have a choice. We can choose other things, such as instant gratification or shortcuts. 

However, all those things will eventually lead to death. Or we can choose life, which this scripture clearly says we get by God’s word. I pray that you choose life and that you commit to reading and meditating on God’s word daily and that God reveals His power as you do. 

May His will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 2: Trust Him

Proverbs 3:5

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding… 

It is easy for us to see the world in light of our feelings. What we think is wrong or right, just or unjust, falling back on the way we have always handled things. Sometimes we don’t understand why things happen. Why we have to wait, why we don’t get what we want, why we go through trials.

But those are the moments when we can shift the focus off of ourselves and fix our eyes on Jesus. We can put all of our faith and trust in God. Not only has He revealed his plans for us; we know they are plans for good, to give us a future and a hope. 

I pray that God gives us the strength and the courage to trust Him even when we don’t understand, or when we think something is unfair. May He soften our hearts, help us to humble ourselves and see things through His eyes, and may His will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 3: A Lifestyle

Joshua 1:8 

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Reading God’s word is one of the most vital things we can do. The word is Jesus. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. 

We grow our relationship with Jesus by reading the word. It’s easier said than done but if you are struggling in this area then pray and ask God to help you. Also tell someone so they can be praying for you as well. 

Just like anything else, if we want to become better at something we need to practice. The more we practice reading the Bible the easier it will become. If we want to prosper and succeed in all that we do, His word will show us how. 

The way we envision success may not be the same as God’s vision of success for us, but it’s a whole lot better than anything we could imagine for ourselves.

I pray God encourages you, and gives you the desire to read, study, and meditate on His words no matter what maturity stage you are at, because none of us can ever know enough when it comes to the word. It is living. It continues to teach us no matter how many times we’ve read it. It’s not a challenge, it’s a lifestyle. 

I pray God gives us wisdom, insight and understanding as we make it a priority to study and meditate on His word. May His will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 4: Candles & Flashlights

Psalms 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

The word of God guides us through the darkness. It shows us the way, it keeps us on the right path. Even when there is darkness all around us, His light continues to shine, as long as we stay close to light (the word) we will be able to see and be guided.

We can use candles or flashlights but eventually they will go out. God’s word is an everlasting lamp that will never go out.

I pray that God gives us the desire, courage and boldness to drop the flashlights and candles in our lives and pick up His word so we can be truly guided and we can walk on the path that leads to life. 

May He be the light that shines in the darkness that surrounds us and may His light shine through us as well. May God’s will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 5: Grateful

Philippians 4:8 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

We all suffer hardships, we all have pain, we all have insecurities and doubts. But in the midst of these, when we practice thinking about the things we are grateful for we realize this: there are so many more things to be grateful for!

This changes the way we think and the way we see things. We take so many things for granted when in reality we are truly blessed. No matter what we face, we have a God that loves us unconditionally. 

He gives us free gifts– gifts we don’t deserve. He provides. We don’t need to worry about anything because with Him we have everything. Imagine if we woke up tomorrow with only the things we thanked God for today?

I pray that God gives us hearts of gratitude. That he helps us to think about and praise Him for all the people, places, and things He has blessed us with. I pray He reminds us that no matter what we are going through there are still endless things to be grateful for. I pray His will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen

Day 6: His masterpieces

Romans 2:11

For God does not show favoritism.

It doesn’t matter what race you are, what age, what color, what gender, what socioeconomic status, or if you’re big or small. God loves you. He has no favorites; we are all His masterpieces.

He created us and when we pass judgment on ourselves or others we are really criticizing His work. Every last one of us was created in His image. We are beautiful in His eyes. If we are to be more Christ-like we need to love everyone like He loves everyone, that includes ourselves.

I pray God softens our hearts and humbles us. I pray He reminds us that we are no better and no worse than anyone else. I pray He helps us to treat everyone equally and that we can be different and stand out in a world where favoritism surrounds us. May He use us to bring change and strive to give everyone the same opportunities, love, encouragement and support we all need. 

May His will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 7: Spiritual weapon

Luke 11:1

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” 

It’s interesting how the disciples don’t ask Jesus how to heal people, or perform miracles but they ask Him to show them how to pray. They’ve witnessed the impact prayer had in the life of Jesus and His ministry and obviously there was something profound about prayer in his life that they wanted in theirs. 

Prayer is a gift that God gives us freely. It is a spiritual weapon and has power that we will never be able to comprehend fully. If people really knew how powerful prayer was then more people would be in constant prayer.

I pray that God gives us a burning desire to pray, in all circumstances, in all situations, for others, for ourselves, for our enemies and for our world. I pray God uses us more to pray together and for each other. I pray for our prayers to be wholehearted and make a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. 

May His will be done in Jesus’ name. Amen.